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France Strongly Condemns Taliban Gender Segregation Policy in Afghanistan

France Strongly Condemns Taliban Gender Segregation Policy in Afghanistan

In a resolute stance, France has officially voiced its condemnation of the Taliban's regressive policies that target women and girls in Afghanistan. The French government has affirmed its commitment to supporting the Afghan people and will maintain its provision of vital humanitarian aid in the sectors of healthcare and education.

The Taliban's gender segregation policies, which have been enforced since their takeover of Afghanistan, have sparked international outrage and concern. These policies impose severe restrictions on women and girls, limiting their access to education, employment, and basic rights. In response, France joins the global chorus of disapproval.

France's condemnation underscores its commitment to human rights and gender equality. The nation firmly believes that the Afghan people, regardless of their gender, should have the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to the development of their country. The French government is dedicated to standing in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan during this challenging period.

Moreover, France has reaffirmed its commitment to providing humanitarian assistance in the fields of healthcare and education. This support will help ensure that Afghan women and girls have access to the necessary resources and opportunities to lead healthy lives and receive an education, a fundamental right that should be guaranteed to all.

In a world where gender equality is a paramount principle, France's condemnation of the Taliban's gender segregation policies serves as a strong message that regressive and discriminatory actions against women and girls will not be tolerated on the international stage. It also highlights the nation's unwavering dedication to promoting the well-being and empowerment of all Afghan citizens, regardless of their gender, as they navigate the challenging path ahead.

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