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Movements within the Board and Executive Committee of Afcae

During its general assembly held on May 15th in Cannes, the French Association of Art-house Cinemas (Afcae) carried out partial renewals within its Board and witnessed some departures from its Executive Committee.

Véronique L'Allain from La Salamandre in Morlaix and Célia Olivié from Le Saleys in Salies-de-Béarn have joined the Board of Directors. They bring their valuable insights and expertise to the administration, alongside the reappointment of Emmanuel Baron from Cinema Jacques Perrin in Tarare, Sylvie Buscail from Ciné 32 in Auch, Cyril Désiré from Le Zola in Villeurbanne, Régis Faure from Majestic in Digoin, Danton in Gueugnon, Morvan in Le Creusot, and Plessis in Montceau-les-Mines, as well as Eric Miot from Megarama in Arras.

Furthermore, the Association announced the departure of Vice President Isabelle Gibbal-Hardy, as well as Emmanuelle Bureau and Marc Van Maele, who respectively stepped down from their roles as Deputy Heads of Territorial Associations and Action/Promotion.

These changes reflect the evolving and diverse membership dedicated to the promotion of art-house cinema in France within the Afcae.

The addition of these new members to the Board of Directors will strengthen the association's efforts in advocating for and disseminating auteur cinema.


Additionally, the reappointment of several members to the Afcae Board ensures continuity in their commitment to the association's mission. Emmanuel Baron, Sylvie Buscail, Cyril Désiré, Régis Faure, and Eric Miot will continue their valuable contributions to the organization's activities.

However, the General Assembly also marked the departure of key individuals from the Afcae Executive Committee. Vice President Isabelle Gibbal-Hardy has decided to step down from her position, leaving a significant void. Her contributions and dedication to the cause of art-house cinema will be remembered.

Moreover, Emmanuelle Bureau and Marc Van Maele have chosen to conclude their respective responsibilities within Afcae. Emmanuelle Bureau served as the Deputy Head of Territorial Associations, while Marc Van Maele held the position of Deputy Head of Action/Promotion. Their departure represents a loss for the association, but they undoubtedly made substantial contributions to the promotion and development of art-house cinema.


These movements within the Afcae Board and Executive Committee illustrate the dynamic nature of the association and its ability to adapt to the evolving cinematic landscape. Afcae will continue to play a crucial role in advocating for and promoting art-house cinema in France, relying on the expertise and commitment of both new and reappointed members, while paying tribute to those who have chosen a different path.

Article written by Adrien M.

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