The Arab Cinema Center (ACC) returns triumphantly to the esteemed Cannes Film Festival for the ninth consecutive year, unveiling the 19th edition of Arab Cinema (AC) Magazine. With Colin Brown, a distinguished American film expert, serving as its editorial director, this magazine edition offers an impressive lineup of content. Discover the highly anticipated Golden 101 list, highlighting the change makers of the Arab film industry, and explore the essential facts and figures on vital films through the 2023 Arab Film Market Survey. Delve into the untapped world of Arab entertainment with the comprehensive guide included in this edition. Additionally, get insights into the seventh Critics Awards for Arab Films, witness the participation of 193 film critics from over 72 countries, and learn about the ACC's picks for this year's Achievement Award for Film Critics. This edition also focuses on the Arab presence at Cannes, featuring the first Sudanese film, "GOODBYE JULIA," and Jordanian films "INSHALLAH A BOY" and "THE RED SEA MAKES ME WANNA CRY" competing for prestigious awards.