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Saudi Minister of Economy and Planning Meets Second Minister of Finance and Economy in Brunei

Saudi Minister of Economy and Planning Meets Second Minister of Finance and Economy in Brunei

October 23, 2023 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Minister of Economy and Planning held a significant meeting with the Minister of Finance and Economy of Brunei today. This meeting aimed to strengthen economic ties between the two countries and explore new opportunities for cooperation.

During the meeting, the two economic ministers discussed several economic matters of common interest, including bilateral trade, investments, and collaboration in key sectors such as energy, technology, and innovation. They also examined ways to promote trade exchanges between Saudi Arabia and Brunei, with the goal of fostering economic growth in both nations.

The Saudi Minister of Economy and Planning expressed his desire to enhance economic cooperation with Brunei, emphasizing the importance of exchanging expertise and establishing strategic partnerships to drive economic growth.

On his part, the Minister of Finance and Economy of Brunei welcomed Saudi Arabia's commitment to developing strong and mutually beneficial economic relations between the two nations. He expressed his interest in exploring new investment opportunities and strengthening cooperation.

This meeting between the Saudi and Bruneian ministers is part of ongoing efforts to bolster bilateral relations and promote economic cooperation between the two countries. It paves the way for new opportunities for businesses and investors on both sides, thus fostering sustainable economic growth.

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