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The American Pavilion: A Day Rich in Exchanges at the Cannes Festival
The American Pavilion: A Day Rich in Exchanges at the Cannes Festival

On May 15, during the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, The American Pavilion hosted several captivating events, attracting film industry professionals, students, and members of the American film community. Here is an overview of the day's highlights.

The day began with a roundtable discussion titled "Industry in Focus: PR Pros". This event brought together renowned publicists who shared their tips and insights into the often misunderstood world of film publicity. The panelists included:

Emma Griffiths, President of EG PR
RJ Millard, President of Obscured Pictures
Arianne Rocchi, Partner at Arwin Ventures
The discussion was moderated by Sylvia Desrochers, Executive Vice President of MPRM Communications. Participants explored effective PR strategies, common challenges in the industry, and recent developments shaping the field.

The iconic actor Billy Zane then took the stage for an intimate and in-depth conversation. Throughout his illustrious career, Zane has starred in some of the highest-grossing films of all time and cult television series such as Titanic, Twin Peaks, Back to the Future, and the Sniper franchise. At this event, moderated by Matt Donnelly, Senior Entertainment & Media Writer at Variety, Zane discussed his legendary collaborations, memorable roles, and upcoming projects, including Waltzing with Brando, which he produced and starred in, and his directorial debut Hallway / Night.

A memorable quote from Zane during this discussion was: "You have two windows in the industry, one when you start and the other when you come back."

The afternoon continued with another exciting panel titled "Industry in Focus: Marketing Magicians". This panel highlighted the importance of a smart, strategic marketing campaign from pre-production through distribution to ensure a film's success. The marketing professionals who shared their success stories and emerging trends included:

Julie Fontaine, Media Consultant at Fontaine Media Consulting
Karina Gechtman, VP of International Marketing & Publicity at Anton
Valerie Van Galder, Marketing Consultant and Producer
Mounia Wissinger, SVP of Global Marketing & Publicity at Protagonist Pictures
The discussion was moderated by Steven Weintraub, Editor-in-Chief of Collider.

The day ended on a festive note with a cocktail reception for The American Pavilion members. This convivial moment allowed participants to network, discuss the day's events, and share ideas in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

About The American Pavilion
The American Pavilion is the center of activity for the American film community at the Cannes Film Festival. Offering memberships for professionals, provocative and insightful programming, immersive student programs, and the Emerging Filmmaker Showcase, The American Pavilion is a vital hub for those seeking to immerse themselves in the world of American cinema and engage with their peers.

May 15 clearly demonstrated The American Pavilion's commitment to providing a valuable platform for professional exchanges and enriching discussions, reaffirming its central role at the heart of the Cannes Film Festival.

For more information, please visit: www.ampav.com 

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