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Abu Dhabi Municipality Warns Against Housing Workers at Construction Sites

Abu Dhabi Municipality Warns Against Housing Workers at Construction Sites

Abu Dhabi, September 19 - The Municipality of Abu Dhabi has emphasized the importance of complying with the ban on accommodating technicians and laborers at construction sites. They stress the necessity of providing housing for these workers in dedicated labor accommodations, in accordance with the laws in force in the Emirate. This measure is taken to protect their health and safety while ensuring a suitable and positive environment for them.

To raise awareness about this issue, the municipality has launched an informative campaign targeting property owners and companies in Abu Dhabi and its suburbs. The campaign aims to promote adherence to the regulations and standards that guarantee a safe and healthy living environment for all workers.

The campaign consists of two main components. The first involves fieldwork, where municipal inspectors conduct on-site visits to both construction sites and worker accommodations. These visits serve to educate relevant parties about the necessary standards for worker housing to safeguard their health and safety. Additionally, it raises awareness about the potential negative consequences of housing workers at construction sites, along with the legal and punitive consequences that may arise from such actions.

The second aspect of the campaign entails the dissemination of informative messages through social media platforms and the official accounts of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi. Thousands of text messages are sent to educate individuals working in construction companies, consultants, and those responsible for construction sites. These messages clarify their responsibilities towards workers, particularly in terms of providing civilized and suitable accommodations that preserve their well-being and safety.

As part of this initiative, the municipality encourages construction companies and individuals responsible for labor accommodations to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the requirements of the Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulations for worker accommodations. It is emphasized that enforcing these standards is mandatory due to the positive impact they have on both the companies and the workers residing in such accommodations.

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