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HM King opens second session of 6th Legislative Term

HM King opens second session of 6th Legislative Term

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa opened the second session of the sixth Legislative Term of the Shura Council and the Council of Representatives today, with the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.

HM King Hamad was warmly welcomed by Ahmed bin Salman Al Musallam, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, and Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh, the Shura Council Chairman, upon his arrival at the Isa Cultural Centre.

The National anthem resonated through the venue, and verses of the Holy Quran were recited. Then, HM the King delivered the following keynote speech:

"In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.

Praise be to Allah and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family and companions.

Distinguished Brothers and Sisters, Members of the National Assembly,

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.

We are delighted to inaugurate the second session of the National Assembly in its current term, looking ahead to a productive session that will drive progress and prosperity in our national initiatives. With unwavering confidence and determination, our nation is committed to further advancements, development, and prosperity.

In a country that embraces enlightened thought and diverse opinions, we have collectively recorded significant historical moments and positions. In line with Bahrain's best interests, we have undertaken independent reform and modernization without external influence, all in pursuit of our shared goals and aspirations, as unanimously agreed upon by the national will.

It is crucial for our Bahraini society, renowned for its civilized awareness and independent decisions, to safeguard its achievements and stand united against any threats to its unity and stability, guided by sincere faith and the values of peaceful coexistence.

Thanks to the grace of Allah, and the unity of our people, our nation remains resilient in the face of challenges, which we consistently overcome through the determination of our citizens and the strength of their will. Our constitutional institutions, including an independent judiciary, remain steadfast in their commitment to reforms and the advancement of human rights.

Together, we march forward with strength, resolve, and a shared patriotism that recognizes only success and honor for our entire nation. We bear the responsibility handed down to us by the founders of our modern state, who fulfilled their pledge to Allah by shouldering their national duties with dedication. In gratitude for their contributions, may they rest in peace.

This is an opportunity to express our pride in the accomplishments of the legislative institution. We have always prioritized its development, driven by the popular will. This unique and independent model will remain so with your will and enriched by your contributions. We have much yet to achieve together.

While commending the performance of our National Assembly, we must also acknowledge the efforts of the executive branch and its dedication to cooperation with the legislative branch. This fruitful collaboration, which considers the nation's interests and its citizens, is essential.

We also acknowledge the sincere efforts of the Government, led and guided by our Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa. They are working collaboratively to realize our national aspirations, maintaining Bahrain's leadership in development, fostering intellectual and civilizational convergence among religions and cultures, and preserving the rich heritage and character of our cities and regions.

In this context, we direct the establishment of an action plan to preserve the historic and cultural identity of Bahrain's buildings and cities. We are committed to reviving the Isa Al Kabeer Palace, which will serve as a central hub for our work, along with the renowned neighborhoods in the city of Muharraq. We eagerly await the return of its residents, in celebration of our nation's generosity and dignity.

In a world where strength and influential alliances drive progress, we continue to work towards strengthening relationships, integration, and coordinated positions through harmonious consultations and fraternal cooperation. This is all under the umbrella of the Gulf Cooperation Council and within the Arab League. We remain unwavering in our support for these organizations, which serve the best interests of the region's countries and peoples.

The Arab cause will remain our top priority. The Kingdom of Bahrain stands firmly in promoting and supporting comprehensive peace efforts, leading to a just solution to the Palestinian issue. Our goal is to achieve a two-state solution in line with the Arab Peace Initiative, ensuring the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital. In the face of current escalations, peaceful efforts and de-escalation are the only paths towards the desired solution.

In conclusion, we extend our deep appreciation to all sincere national efforts driving productivity. We salute and appreciate our valiant armed forces, along with their units and servicemen, for their dedicated duty in preserving our kingdom's sovereignty and advancement. The honorable sacrifices of our fallen servicemen in defense of righteousness and the nation's victory will forever remain etched in our hearts. We pray to Allah the Almighty to bless their pure souls in paradise.

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.

Following HM's speech, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives delivered a speech expressing profound gratitude to HM King Hamad for inaugurating the second session of the Sixth Legislative Term on behalf of the National Assembly members.

He reaffirmed the National Assembly's commitment to strengthen the kingdom's democratic process and achieve further development for the nation and its citizens, in alignment with the unified national stance and under HM's wise leadership.

The Speaker also acknowledged the kingdom's ability to overcome challenges and emerge stronger, under the rule of law and constitutional institutions, which include the legislative and executive branches, an independent judiciary, and human rights mechanisms.

He highlighted the legislative branch's contribution to creating an enabling environment for investment, supporting the Economic Recovery Plan, and the Fiscal Balance Programme to diversify income sources and generate quality job opportunities, ultimately improving the living standards of Bahraini families and society.

The Speaker affirmed the legislative branch's commitment to develop human rights frameworks and support national mechanisms, in line with the Paris Principles. He praised HM the King's directives to preserve the kingdom's cultural identity, emphasizing the revival of the Isa Al Kabeer Palace.

Moreover, he reiterated the kingdom's commitment to security and stability, offering support to countries and people in need. Bahrain's parliamentary diplomacy has strengthened its position, as evidenced by its hosting of the 146th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in March 2023.

The Speaker concluded by reiterating Bahrain's firm stance in support of the main Arab cause and the promotion of just and comprehensive peace, as well as its pride in the achievements made under HM the King's leadership. He honored the efforts and sacrifices of the Bahraini armed forces, praying for the fallen servicemen's souls.

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