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Celebrating Mr. Jerry Inzerillo Extraordinary Achievements with the Prestigious Better World Best Achievement Award

In a momentous event hosted by the Nelson Mandela Children Foundation on Friday, May 26th, the esteemed Mr. Jerry Inzerillo was honored with the esteemed Better World Best Achievement Award. This distinguished recognition, designed by the renowned Mr. Anis Dargaa, stands as a testament to Mr. Inzerillo unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. With heartfelt appreciation, the Better World Fund expresses special thanks to Mr. Shawn Andrew for his invaluable contributions to this momentous occasion.

Manuel Collas de la Roche, President and Founder of the Better World Fund, proudly announced this well-deserved recognition, shining a spotlight on Mr. Inzerillo exceptional efforts in advancing positive change on a global scale. Through his dedication and tireless work, he has touched countless lives, leaving an indelible impact on individuals, communities, and societies worldwide.

The Better World Best Achievement Award serves as a symbol of Mr. Inzerillo profound dedication to creating a more inclusive, compassionate, and sustainable world. His unwavering commitment to inspiring change has inspired hope and ignited transformative initiatives that have made a tangible difference.

On this joyous occasion, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Jerry Inzerillo for this well-deserved recognition. His visionary leadership, passion, and unwavering commitment to making the world a better place are an inspiration to us all. As we celebrate this milestone, we are reminded of the power of individuals to create meaningful change and pave the way for a brighter future.

©️ Stephan Gendre #BetterWorldFund #BestAchievementAward #InspiringChange #NelsonMandelasChildrensFoundation

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