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HM the King and Italian Prime Minister Discuss Bilateral Relations, Regional, and International Developments

HM the King and Italian Prime Minister Discuss Bilateral Relations, Regional, and International Developments

Today, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the King of Bahrain, held a meeting with Giorgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, at the Italian Prime Minister's Office in Rome. This meeting took place during His Majesty's ongoing visit to Italy.

During their meeting, His Majesty and the Italian Prime Minister delved into the robust relations between their respective nations and explored various areas of cooperation and collaborative efforts aimed at advancing their mutual interests.

The discussions also encompassed the latest regional and international developments, with a particular focus on the unfolding situation in the Gaza Strip.

His Majesty the King reaffirmed Bahrain's commitment to its approach of bolstering security, stability, and peace in the region. Bahrain maintains a steadfast stance in pursuit of a just resolution to the Palestinian issue, ensuring that the Palestinian people are granted their legitimate rights. This commitment involves striving for a two-state solution in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative, ultimately securing the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

His Majesty emphasized the importance of concerted efforts to prevent any further deterioration of the situation, advocating for the release of detained civilians and the protection of all civilians, as mandated by international humanitarian law, from becoming targets in any conflict.

Additionally, His Majesty stressed the urgency of establishing humanitarian corridors to facilitate the delivery of medical and relief aid, as well as provisions of food, water, and electricity to Gaza. In doing so, Bahrain solidified its support for the coordination of all initiatives aimed at achieving a just peace, stability, and security for all the region's inhabitants.

Lastly, His Majesty expressed appreciation for the valuable role played by the Italian Republic on the international stage in service of global peace and security.

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