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Unleash the Sari: Explore Unique Ways to Drape the Indian Garment

Don't restrict the sari: Here are some unique ways to drape the Indian garment

Blogger and sari influencer Kamal Kapur believes in breaking the traditional boundaries of the sari and embracing its versatility in our daily lives. Kamal, also known as 'desibychoice' on Instagram, has been on a mission to normalize the sari within the desi community and remove the notion that it only reserved for special occasions like Diwali. With a growing following of 29.2k, Kamal has been inspiring women to embrace the elegance of the six-yard garment.

Originally from Chandigarh, India, Kamal faced the familiar dilemma that many expats encounter – what clothes to keep when moving abroad. She noticed that Indian women in social gatherings predominantly wore gowns, which sparked her desire to challenge the status quo. Kamal made a conscious effort to wear saris to all her events, initially attracting raised eyebrows and amusement. However, her bold choice influenced others to follow suit, proving the power of community support. "We downplay our tradition. Once we stand up for ourselves, the entire community will follow," says Kamal.

On her Instagram profile, Kamal showcases her sari collection in various locations, reminiscent of iconic Bollywood moments. She has even taken her sari on a journey to places like Switzerland, Scotland, Georgia, Banaras, and South Africa. Kamal believes that in the modern world, the sari can be draped in any way, infused with different cultures and styles to make it adaptable. She encourages the younger generation to embrace the sari and not be limited by traditional rules. For Kamal, the sari is a fluid garment with endless possibilities.

Kamal prefers to wear her saris in drapes rather than stitching them up, as it preserves the essence of the garment. She pairs shirts with saris to create a modern workplace look and opts for airy cotton saris for casual occasions. Her choices are guided by her mood and inspired by traditional and rural drapes. The recent appearance of global stars like Gigi Hadid and Zendaya wearing saris on the red carpet has further popularized this versatile drape. Kamal believes that the acceptance and recognition of saris by big stars validate her own fashion choices and inspire others to explore different draping styles.

While the idea of empowerment is often associated with external factors, Kamal emphasizes that true empowerment comes from within. It about believing in oneself and feeling comfortable in one own skin. Through her desibychoice meetups, Kamal has created a community of women who now confidently wear saris to various social events. These women have overcome their initial hesitations and can be seen draped in different styles of saris, even in nightclubs and evening dinners. Kamal proudly calls herself "desi by choice" because she has empowered herself to embrace her Indian roots without needing a specific reason.

Kamal Kapur journey with the sari is a testament to the evolving trajectory of this iconic Indian garment. By breaking the traditional norms and embracing its adaptability, Kamal encourages everyone to explore the endless possibilities of draping the sari in their daily lives. The sari is no longer restricted to special occasions; it has become a symbol of self-expression and empowerment in the 21st century.

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